We depend on digital devices but we have no way to recreate them, without specialised machinery or advanced knowledge. This is an interesting blindspot and we need a way to address it. I call this process Digital Bushcraft.
How to remove Completed Kubernetes Jobs or CronJobs?
This is possible from version 1.12 Alpha with ttlSecondsAfterFinished
. An example from Clean Up Finished Jobs Automatically:
Can you break an IF statement in Java?
Can you use break
with an if
statement in Java?
Creating POJOS with Lombok and Javax.Validate
Lombok addresses the main ergonomic issue with Java, which is writing code that is necessary, but not necessarily worth the time to write it. I’m referring to setters, getters, builders, and logging utilities. Lombok reduces the number of lines you have to write and lets you focus on better problems. Lombok is like the poor man’s Kotlin.
Installing Apache Superset on IBM Kubernetes Cluster
Superset is a great alternative to Tableau. Installing Superset on an IBM Kubernetes cluster cannot be done just with an out-of-the-box Helm chart. This guide is meant to help you get started.
Syntax Highlighting with Kubectl
Today at work I had to examine a large kubernetes Ingress definition. The output filled my terminal and as I was not able to quickly scan the text for what I was looking for, I felt slightly annoyed. I searched online for solutions and I found this issue which describes what I want as a feature request.
Interview Test: The Change Dispenser
In December 2015 I was looking for a new job. I found a company through a recruiting agency, which required me to submit to a technical test for the role of Junior Developer. I won’t name the company because it’s not relevant, and although I passed the test, I didn’t interview with them because decided to accept the offer from Dotmatics.
Generate Chainable Setters with IntelliJ IDEA
I prefer my setteers to be chainable so I changed the default IntelliJ IDEA template to get what I want. Here’s how I did it
Setting up Aglio on Windows 10 Enterprise
Having documented our new APIs in API Blueprint I settled on aglio to generate the documentation file I could send to everyone else. I had some trouble on my Windows 10 Enterprise machine in that aglio didn’t quite work out of the box - at least not without some gentle encouragement.
Using Git-SVN in an SVN Organization
Git has many advantages over SVN, but its killer feature is cheap private branches. This becomes invaluable when working on multiple tickets, or when you want to quickly compare two versions of the code. I’ve been doing this for a little more than a year and a half. This section will get you through setting up Git-SVN, and will give a quick overview of the workflow I’ve found to work.
Paginating Queries in Oracle SQL
Here’s what I’ve used a couple of times to paginate my queries. It adds a limit and offset to your query results so you don’t have to do it Java-side:
Two-dimensional grid with Oracle SQL
I found a fun way to generate a 2D grid in Oracle SQL and I thought I’d share.