Syntax Highlighting with Kubectl

Today at work I had to examine a large kubernetes Ingress definition. The output filled my terminal and as I was not able to quickly scan the text for what I was looking for, I felt slightly annoyed. I searched online for solutions and I found this issue which describes what I want as a feature request.

Some people had posted various solutions in the comments, but for some reason I wanted to try my own. And here it is:

# In your shell resource file
function hl () {
	highlight - -S yaml -O truecolor | less

See that cheeky call to less there at the end? That’s because I wanted to navigate through the output at my leisure. Though it’s true that I use tmux, which supports all kinds of scrollback, I really like the search feature of less and the amount of control I get.

To invoke it I would simply do

$ kubectl get cm test -oyaml | hl

That’s good enough… for about an day. Which is how long I’ve had it for. Don’t get me wrong, it works wonders, and I love it. I just don’t want to pipe it manually every time.

When I went home I thought about the pull request and how easy it would be to patch the kubectl executable to somehow include - or fork - the highlight process to style the output. Before even realizing how stupid this implementation would be, the nebulous beauty of alias danced before my eyes. Of course, I didn’t need to touch kubectl at all - I just wanted to format the output!

So the project kubectl-prettifier-script was born, which aims to do just that. At most as a temporary solution, until the Kubernetes team implements the same feature natively.