Can you break an IF statement in Java?

Can you use break with an if statement in Java?

Without examining whether you should, yes, you can use labeled statements with if in Java. According to the 1.7 specification

The Identifier is declared to be the label of the immediately contained Statement. […] identifier statement labels are used with break (§14.15) or continue (§14.16) statements appearing anywhere within the labeled statement.

It goes on (emphasis added)

If the statement is labeled by an Identifier and the contained Statement completes abruptly because of a break with the same Identifier, then the labeled statement completes normally. In all other cases of abrupt completion of the Statement, the labeled statement completes abruptly for the same reason.

So if you break an if block (remember a block is a statement), you can exit the if body. Let’s test it:

public static void main(String[] args) {
	if (true) label: {
		if (args != null)
			break label;
		System.out.println("doesn't get here");
	System.out.println("Outside of labeled block");


Outside of labeled block